Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Rant on Empowering Women

Call me crazy, but I believe women should be empowered and lifted up more often. We need to support other women daily and encourage the growth we see within them, no matter how small. A little compliment and reassurance goes a long way. I am so tired of seeing women tear each other down with slander and gossip, although I know I myself am not completely innocent 100% of the time.  I believe we as women, have it hard enough with societal pressures, media imposed standards of beauty and unreal ideals that surround us daily. I know that the women in my life all work very hard to be the best version of their selves and deserve to be told regularly that their strength, beauty, commitment and determination is admirable – because it is. 
Paper thin model sizes perpetuate the pressures many women feel to fit into the media's standard of beauty
Societal pressures plague more American women every year fearing they are not thin enough

If only every woman in the world could make a consistent effort to bring up their fellow woman rather   than tear them down, I believe that the individual growth of many women would soar. Of course, we live in the real world and things will continue the way they currently are. Women will continue to badmouth, gossip and make snide comments about one another… wouldn’t it be great if future generations didn’t have to experience that woman on woman aggression? Wouldn’t it be great to feel as if you could trust other women more readily and not live in fear that they will stab you in the back the first chance they get?

Together we can create change

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